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Beauty only God could create

in Blog on April 26, 2014

As I was in my garden today trying to get rid of Quack grass and invasive Goldenrod, I noticed our granddaughter, Eliana, kneeling next to some tulips. She cupped the beautiful flower petals in her hands and could not get over the size and brilliance of the flower. To my shame I must admit that I had just walked by these tulips – hadn’t even noticed them in all my worry about trying to rid the garden of weeds. I looked at her and then the flower and marvelled at the beauty in my granddaughter and the flower. God IS the author of such incredible beauty, if I only take the time to notice. There are always weeds in our lives, aren’t there? Things that distract us and make us feel overwhelmed at times. I hope I will take more time this Spring and Summer to notice the God created beauty around me.

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