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CDs Category

Buddy and Blossom Rag Dolls (5×7)

$28.50 – $32.50

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Two rag dolls for the 5—7 hoops. Delight your little ones with these adorable dolls. Both dolls come with clothes and a doll carrier. A small amount of machine and hand sewing is required. Detailed instructions with many photos included.

Your download (or CD or flash drive) contains stitch files and/or instructions for the following:

  • The 2 dolls
  • Lined drawstring backpack with applique pocket
  • Lined doll “purse” with name and flower
  • Dress for Blossom
  • Pants and top for Blossom
  • Shirt with “Giddy Up” design
  • Same “Giddy Up” design in larger for boy
  • Vest with sheriff star for Buddy
  • Sheriff star in boy size
  • Pants for Buddy

Also included are Instructions for the making of yarn hair as well as a list of resources/links for fabric, yarn, wigs, etc. Available in the following 9 formats: art, dst, exp, hus, jef, pes, shv, vip and xxx.

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