Thinking of sending somebody a greeting card? Why not make them a mug rug instead. Combine it with a lovely mug and some chocolates for a special birthday gift. This project is entirely completed on the embroidery machine.
The flowers are raw edge appliqued and the centers are fringed. It’s not hard to do; we show you how. The flower stems are ricrac to add to the whimsical feel of the design. The background is stipple quilted. No additional hand or sewing machine stitching required. While we call it a mug rug, it could also be used as a home decoration, displayed on a small easel.
There are a total of 3 stitch files included in your download. One with the full design as shown, another one with the design but no wording so that you could enter your own wording, and a third one without design or wording.
No font included in your download.
Mug rugs’ finished size: 6.75” w x 4.75” h
Designs’ dimensions: 7.00” w x 5.00” h
Stitch Count:
Mug rug with full design 13,156
Mug rug without words 10,335
Mug rug plain 3,295