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iPod Touch Holder


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Make your own ipod touch case! This attractive holder was designed for 3rd and 4th generation Apple iPad Touch devices. Its an in the hoop project and requires a small amount of hand and machine sewing. The holder is stipple quilted on your machine (front and back). Elasticized fabric corners and a patch of non-slip shelf liner hold the Ipod very securely in its place. You wont have to take your iPod out of its cover to access all of its functions. The holders front covers the Ipod screen when not in use which provides some protection. Because of its vertical shape, the holders front can also serve as a sunscreen for the iPod. This particular holder design comes with 26 front covers that already have an initial from A-Z inserted into the monogram label. This way you don’t have to fear that you will mess up when trying to insert the intial. It’s all done for you. All you have to do is choose the proper front and send it to your machine! Finished holder size: 3.00″ x 4.75″.

Apple, iPod & Touch are registered trademarks of Apple, Inc.

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