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Santa Pillow


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This beautiful pillow combines the true message of Christmas with the popular Santa image. The center and label of the pillow are reverse appliqued. If you have not done this before, don’t worry. It’s easy and we will show you how. The entire front is constructed in one hooping. The back has a Velcro closure which gets stitched in the hoop. A small amount of machine stitching is required to attach the back to the front. Detailed instructions with photos in pdf format are part of your download.

You are also receiving the pillow front without the label. In addition, your download includes the Santa design by itself. You are receiving a total of 4 stitch files.

Finished size: 12×12″.

For 5×7″ or larger hoops.

{tab=Artist Credit}

Graphic artist: Laurie Wilson of www.doodlepantry.com)

(Graphic used with express licensed permission)


Front With words 4.78×6.99″ 26,902
Fron Without words 4.81×5.90 21,336
Velcro Closures 4.83×6.89″ 3,686
Santa design 2.87×3.53″ 14,877


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