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Faith and what I have been up to

in Baby, Christian on July 15, 2014

I am truly surprised that it has taken me this long to get back to blogging. Life sometimes puts a tenacious hold on one’s plans and dreams, doesn’t it? There are designs to be digitized, tested, written up and posted; there are family members who deserve to have special time devoted to them; health issues to attend to; and somehow blogging just did not make it to the top of my “to-do-list”.

Today I would like to share with you about a faith related issue. Do you ever feel that life gets so busy that you don’t find time for other people – outside of your immediate family circle? This has been really weighing on me lately. There is a basic desire there to help, but how does one reach above one’s everyday circumstances to assist those who are lonely and in need of friendship?

Our Pastor’s wife recently published a devotional book that I have found so very eye opening and helpful. Her writing style is straight forward and goes to the heart. She shares examples from her own life and the Lord has been really talking to me through her writings. The name of the small book is: Abigail’s Story – by Sarah Young. It was published by CrossBooks in June of this year. Sarah discusses the qualities of Abigail, as documented in the Bible in 1 Samuel 25. I got my copy from Amazon.com. It’s really helping me to work through some personal issues and has given me insight into my need to be available to others beyond my own home. Actually, as I am beginning to reach beyond my own familiar circle of loved ones, I am finding that I am blessed with a renewed sense of God’s peace.

I can only recommend Sarah’s book.

This summer so far has been unusually beautiful and cool for Ohio. Since I don’t tolerate heat very well, I have just loved taking care of my garden. But I have also been very busy with a new set for babies. I think you will love it. It comes complete with a small mini tote (done in the hoop!!) that will just be perfect for those times when you need to drop off baby with Grandma for a short while or for a visit to the church’s baby nursery.


Marcia Hutchings tested the little tote for me. Isn’t it cute?? I just know you will love making these items. I am hoping to release the set sometime in the middle of August 2014.


Categories: Baby Christian


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