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God is good – always

in Blog on January 18, 2008

One of our grandsons has been diagnosed with Asperger’s. We always knew that he was “different” – very bright, very emotional, prone to temper tantrums, sensory issues, etc. – but it’s only in recent months that we have learned of his actual diagnosis. While it didn’t change his behaviors, it gave us all a better insight into him and with that understanding came a more appropriate way of dealing with him. While he continued to have meltdowns, we struggled with how to deal with him during those times. Spanking only aggravated the situation, made him more volatile and violent. Holding him down to keep him from hurting himself and others seemed to also accelerate and worsen his episodes. We were truly at our wits’ end and I remember standing at the sink crying out to the Lord asking Him to PLEASE HELP. As tears were rolling down my cheeks, Siddiq was wondering why I was using the Lord’s name in vain. I told him that it was not in vain to pray to the Lord – that I fully trusted Him to come through with help for him and us.

Well, the next day, Siddiq’s teacher offered us a tape called “1-2-3 Magic” that she highly recommended we watch. It has changed our lives drastically and we are so very thankful. It is a very simple yet effective way of preventing meltdowns. We are using it for all three children and we can’t thank God enough for bringing this to our attention. If you read this and have difficulty with child discipline that is non violent, feel free to contact me and I’ll be glad to share more about this. We are simply amazed how well this seems to work.

Here is some more information about the 123 Magic Program:

Book: 1-2-3 Magic: Effective Discipline for Children

Video (VHS): 1-2-3 Magic: Effective Discipline for Children 2-12

Categories: Blog

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