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Life with an Asperger’s Child

in Blog on July 8, 2008

Our single daughter and her three children have been living with us while our daughter, Kristy, attended nursing school. Now that she is a RN (hooray!), she has bought a home close to us and moved about two weeks ago. It has been an unsettling experience for all 3 children, but especially Siddiq, our Aspie boy. I am not quite sure what all is going on in his head – and I doubt he does. He and his Mom have had some difficult days but with God’s help, she has managed to deal with him very appropriately and effectively. If you have an Aspie child you know how exhilarating these children, and how frustrating they can be. Kristy has started to blog to help her work through some of the questions and issues that arise from raising an Aspie child. If you would like to read more about it and maybe even write comments about it to Kristy, here is her blog:


May God bless you today and if you are dealing with an Aspie child, may He give you wisdom from above.

Talk to you soon again..

Categories: Blog

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