Have you been wondering what I do when I am not digitizing or watching grandchildren? Well, another favorite pas ttime of mine is flower gardening. Although I must admit that with advancing age, it seems to become more difficult to manage all those plants and – WEEDS!! I am finding that Preen has been a great help in the weed department, but there are still quite a few areas that have not been willing to submit to weed control! 🙂 With the unusual amount of rain fall this year, it seems that both flowers and weeds have benefited!! I also tried my hand at some great side planters/containers from https://www.kinsmangarden.com/index.php and I am so very pleased with them. Usually, I have found that these cocomat/moss planters dry out so fast. But the ones from Kinsman’s have just been wonderful. I water about every other day, sometimes can even wait til three days are up. And they have just been a joy to watch grow. Saarah (one of my granddaughters) and I planted those together and she, too, enjoys looking at how well her pots and plants are doing. I highly recommend these.
Well, I thought I would share some photos and hope you enjoy a stroll through my garden. It is in my garden where I do a lot of praying and praising God for His many blessings and where I find new inspiration for my designs.
My husband found this garden saying by an unknown author:
When the world wearies,
And the world ceases to satisfy,
There is always
Thanks for visiting my blog today.
God bless. Monika