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Thoughts about Asperger’s and God

in Blog on September 3, 2010

If you have read through my past entries, you know that one of our grandsons has Asperger’s, a form of autism. It’s been a couple of rough months with him. Maybe it has something to do with his rapid growth, maybe his being off during the summer months has lead to boredom, maybe…. It’s been especially difficult for his parents. His Mom, our daughter Kristy, wrote the following on her blog lately:

“I have been having a difficult few months with my son, and it all came to a head yesterday, when truths about my son’s behavior were brought to my attention. It was one of those earth shattering moments, where your perception of reality is turned upside down and you have to face a new, more unpleasant one.. Well, I went for a run, to work on my anger and frustration, and ended up sitting in a field at the end of the street where I had this conversation with God…

Lord- Why????
Why not??
Because I love my son!
I love him too.
Because it hurts!
I hurt for you..
It’s not fair!!
Life isn’t fair.
Lord.. why does my son suffer for the bad choices I made??
Why did MY son have to suffer for them too?
Will it ever get better??
“I will give them a crown to replace their ashes, and clothes of praise to replace their spirit of sadness” (Is. 61:3b)”
Are you interested in autism and have similar struggles as a parent? Why not follow Kristy on her blog:
May God bless you this day.

Categories: Blog

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